Proof of Sufficiency.
Let S1 = 4 and Sn+1 = Sn2 - 2, for n >= 1.
w = 2 + sqrt(3) and v = 2 - sqrt(3).
Then by induction on n we can show that
Sn = w2n-1 + v2n-1.
Assuming Mp = 2p - 1 divides Sp-1, it follows that
w2p-2 + v2p-2 = Sp-1 = R Mp .
Multiplying both sides by w2p-2 and using the fact that wv = 1, we obtain
(1) w2p-1 = R Mp w2p-2 - 1 .
Squaring both sides yields
(2) w2p = (R Mp w2p-2 - 1)2 .
Now we proceed by contradiction.

Suppose Mp is not prime.
Choose one of its prime divisors q that is not greater than its square root.

Consider the group G = Zq ( sqrt(3) )* of all the numbers a + b sqrt(3) modulo q which are invertible. Note that G has at most q2 - 1 elements.

Viewing (1) and (2) mod q, we have
w2p-1 = -1 (mod q)
w2p = 1 (mod q).
Thus, w is an element of G with order 2p.

Since the order of an element is at most the order of the group we have
2p <= q2 - 1 < Mp = 2p -1 ,
a contradiction.

This completes the proof.